Ahmet Ilker Topuz


Computational aspects of radiation - matter interaction including:

* Radiation physics: Particle transport, source definition/setup, particle detectors, muon tomography, space applications, and shielding/dosimetry;

* Computational methods: Monte Carlo simulations, probabilistic approaches, and statistical/deterministic numerical methods.


02/2025 - Present JINR fellow - JINR, Russia
02/2024 - 08/2024 Postdoctoral fellow - MAHE/MCNS, India
10/2022 - 08/2023 Junior research fellow in physics - University of Tartu, Estonia
11/2021 - 04/2022 Researcher - SilentBorder/University of Tartu, Estonia
02/2016 - 07/2020 Editorial staff - VGSworld, Turkey
09/2011 - 01/2015 Researcher - M2i, Netherlands
06/2010 - 08/2010 Summer Student Programme - CERN, Switzerland


2023 University of Tartu
PhD in Physics
Dissertation:Quantitative and qualitative investigations for muon scattering tomography via GEANT4 simulations: A computational study

2019 Canakkale 18 Mart University
Pedagogical formation in Physics

2010 Istanbul Technical University
Master of Science in Nuclear Energy
Dissertation: Cubic nodal expansion method for the radial solution of the neutron diffusion equation in cylindrical geometry.

2006 Isik University
Bachelor of Science in Physics

2001 Lycee Saint-Benoit d'Istanbul
High School

Journal papers

A. I. Topuz, Implementation of atmospheric proton spectrum in GEANT4 simulations for space applications, Communication in Physics, 2024, Link:10.15625/0868-3166/21860

A. I. Topuz, Unveiling secondary particle generation in a SONTRAC detector through GEANT4 simulations, Journal of Nuclear Sciences, 2024, Link:10.59474/nuclear.2023.62

A. I. Topuz, Effect of hydrogen on albedo neutrons in lunar surface: A computational investigation by means of GEANT4 simulations, London Journal of Physics, 2024, Link:10.69710/ljp.v1i2.10901

A. I. Topuz, A multi-particle generation scheme through energy discretization in GEANT4 simulations for atmospheric applications, London Journal of Physics, 2024, Link:10.69710/ljp.v1i2.10823

A. I. Topuz, COME: Cylindrical oriented muon emission in GEANT4 simulations, London Journal of Physics, 2024, Link:10.69710/ljp.v1i1.10085

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, Particle generation through energy discretization and restrictive planes in GEANT4 simulations for potential applications of cosmic ray muon tomography, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2023, Link:10.1088/1742-6596/2438/1/012150

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, Non-destructive interrogation of nuclear waste barrels through muon tomography: A Monte Carlo study based on dual-parameter analysis via GEANT4 simulations, Journal of Instrumentation, 2022, Link:10.1088/1748-0221/17/12/P12005

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, DOME: Discrete oriented muon emission in GEANT4 simulations, Instruments, 2022, Link:10.3390/instruments6030042

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, M. Magi, Unveiling triangular correlation of angular deviation in muon scattering tomography by means of GEANT4 simulations, Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science, 2022, Link:10.31526/jais.2022

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, M. Magi, Effect of passive metallic layers on muon energy estimation by means of deflection angle for muon scattering tomography: A comparative study based on GEANT4 simulations, Journal of Instrumentation, 2022, Link:10.1088/1748-0221/17/02/C02008

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, M. Magi, Investigation of deflection angle for muon energy classification in muon scattering tomography via GEANT4 simulations, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2022, Link:10.1088/1742-6596/2374/1/012185

A. I. Topuz, Enabling microstructural changes of FCC/BCC alloys in 2D dislocation dynamics, Material Science and Engineering: A, 2015, Link:10.1016/j.msea.2015.01.016

A. I. Topuz, Dimension reduction of defect properties for application in 2D dislocation dynamics, Computational Material Science, 2014, Link:10.1016/j.commatsci.2014.06.049


A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, M. Magi, On muon energy group structure based on deflection angle for application in muon scattering tomography: A Monte Carlo study through GEANT4 simulations, RAP Proceedings 2021, 2021, Link:10.37392/RapProc.2021.06

A. I. Topuz, I. A. Reyhancan, 3D Surface Radiation Dosimetry of a Nuclear-Chicago NH3 Neutron Howitzer, AMNT2018, 2018, Link:10.48550/arXiv.1806.02387

A. I. Topuz, I. A. Reyhancan, Neutronic Analysis of a Nuclear-Chicago NH3 Neutron Howitzer, AMNT2018, 2018, Link:10.48550/arXiv.1806.05255


A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, On discrimination of nuclear waste barrels subject to in-drum mixing by muon scattering tomography: A characterization study based on GEANT4 simulations, ACS Spring 2022, March 21, 2022, Link:10.1021/scimeetings.2c00098

Selected pre-prints

A. I. Topuz, P. Sreekumar, Thermal/epithermal neutron detection via LiO$_{2}$-doped fiber bundles: A computational study through GEANT4 simulations, arXiv:2406.15462, 2024, Link:arXiv.2406.15462

A. I. Topuz, M. Kiisk, A. Giammanco, Preliminaries for muon tracking in GEANT4 simulations, ESS Open Archive, 2022, Link:essoar.10512190.1

Internal note

Analytical variation of opening angle and path length integral of horizontal and vertical diamond detector, CMS Internal Detector Note - ID Number: CMS DN-2010/015, 2010, CMS Beam and Radiation Monitoring Group


Language: Turkish, English, French

Computer: Linux, LaTeX, C, Python, Matplotlib, TikZ, QtiPlot, GEANT4, MCNP


Email: aitopuz@protonmail.com, aitopuz@zohomail.eu, aitopuz@gmx.com

GitHub: GitHub Profile